Version: 1.13
Welcome to the RivEX manual. This manual contains lots of information on RivEX, you can find help on how to:
- Quality control your data
- Attribute your network
- Analyse your network and interpret output
- Sample your river network
- Editing tips
- Trouble shooting
- Follow worked examples
Pages in this Help file marked with a red () are considered to be important pages that should be read to understand how RivEX functions. You can teach yourself the key steps in using RivEX by reading through the workflows. The manual provides worked examples from the perspective of a specialist needing to compute a specific geometry/metric or simply to to provide ideas and encourage you to explore the many tools that RivEX offers.
In this help file warnings highlighted in Red with a should not be ignored!
Network encoded with Strahler order
This manual was last edited on: 15/2/2025