To license RivEX you need to supply to the RivEX purchase page, the unique ID extracted from your computer using the Create a License code tool in the Admin toolbox.  This page guides you through this simple process.

Once you have extracted the unique ID you need to return to the RivEX website purchase page and complete the purchase. After I have received your details AND a successful transaction from PayPal I will create a license file that I will send to you and you simple place it in the License folder to unlock all functionality of RivEX.

If you are evaluating RivEX using the provided demonstration data then you need only do steps 1 and 2 below; take note, evaluating or licensing RivEX you still need to unzip the zip file to the root of your C:\ drive, do not unzip to any other location (e.g. C:\users\xyz\Downloads)


Step 3

Step 1

Download the RivEX toolbox from the download web page. It will be a zip file.

Step 2

Unzip the zip file to C:\, do not unzip it to any other location.

In Windows Explorer verify you have correctly installed the toolbox, by visiting the folder C:\RivEX_ArcPro you will see:

Step 3

Start ArcPro, open an existing project or simply start with a blank template. On the Insert tab click on the Add Folder button

Add Folder

Navigate to and add the RivEX_ArcPro folder as highlighted in red below:

Step 4

In the Catalog Pane expand Folders > RivEX_ArcPro > RivEX.atbx > Admin Tools and run the Create a License code tool.

Step 5

This tool runs very quickly so to see your unique ID you need to click on View Details to see the message.  A successful run of the tool will yield the following, you can then copy and paste your unique ID into the appropriate section on the purchase page.  Upon receipt of payment you will be emailed the license files and some very simple instructions in where to place the file to unlock RivEX.

If you have not followed install steps 1 and 2 then the message window will likely report you do not have a correct version of shapely installed.  Some of the tools in RivEX will fail to run, steps 1 and 2 are not optional, you need to install shapely 2.0.4!

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