Delete a python environment
As ESRI updates ArcGIS Pro, RivEX will take advantage of any new functionality. Minor updates released by ESRI are unlikely to impact the RivEX tool box but major releases will. With each major release of ArcGIS Pro the version of python used by ArcPro will update and this can introduce "breaking changes". If you did not update your cloned python environment then some tools will likely fail because the new functionality that RivEX is using does not exist in old cloned environment.
To resolve this issue you need to:
- Delete the cloned environment.
- Clone the latest version.
- Install shapely module.
This page guides you through the very simple process of deleting a cloned environment then you would run through step1 and step 2 of the installation guide. These should be familiar steps to you as you have already done steps 1 and 2 when you first installed RivEX. You do not need to run step 3 creating a license; you will already have a license file if you have purchased RivEX.
Step 1
Start ArcPro and on the home page click on Settings as highlighted in red below.
Step 2
In the Settings menu click on Package Manager as highlighted below.
Step 3
Click on the cog button on the far right of Package Manager page.
Step 4
The python environment you created as part of the install steps for RivEX is the active environment, you know this as it has the green tick. It is this environment you need to delete. You cannot delete an environment if it is active! You need to make the default environment (arcgispro-py3) active then you can delete the RivEX environment. To activate the default environment click on the 3 dots and select Activate.
Note after activation of the default environment, it now shows the green tick.
Step 5
Finally click on the 3 dots for the deactivated RivEX environment and choose Delete. You will be asked if you are sure, say OK to this and ArcPro deletes the environment taking about 20 seconds.
Congratulations you have deleted the old RivEX environment, now go to the install guide here and complete steps 1 and 2 to clone the latest environment and install shapely module.