Processing site data typically involves you creating new data such as reach polylines or tables of metrics.  If you have followed the sequence as outlined in Preparing a river network for processing in RivEX then you will be able to process site data against your river network.

All the tools require a workspace, extracted topology and in some cases attributes.  Which attribution is required is documented on the tool's help page but tools will halt if the network is missing the required attribute and warn you via the tool tip.

WarningSite processing tools require the point data to be snapped to the network, that is, the point is on the line and not snapped to the ends of the lines.

The workflow you must follow to use the site processing tools is first Preparing a river network for processing in RivEX, add any required attributes, then finally snap the sites to the network. Any sites that fail to snap you can deal with manually or drop from your analysis. You are then ready to use any of the site processing tools.

IdeaYou can use model builder to build custom workflows and automate regular processing. An example below is using a FOR iterator to incrementally build Downstream Reaches, you could use this to generate zones of downstream impact for a in-channel structure such as weir.

Combining standard FOR iterator with a RivEX tool. In this example the iterator is stepping over

values 100 to 500 in steps of 100 and this feeds into building downstream reach length parameter.

Downstream reaches

Downstream reaches increasing in length by 100m created by model, results are exploded out from network for clarity.