
You are studying the impact of shading on a river from riparian woodlands. You have been provided a polygon dataset of broadleaved woodland habitats that intersect your river network, this may have come from a satellite dataset or an existing habitat map from an environmental agency. You wish to find out for each segment of the catchment the total upstream length of shaded channel, a task that can be solved using the Accumulate network attribute tool.



Processing Task


To use the Accumulate network attribute tool the values you wish to accumulate must be an attribute of the river network. The first step is compute the intersection of the river network with the woodland dataset.

Woodland data

Catchment plotted over intersecting woodland habitat


Run the intersect tool to create a new polyline dataset.

Intersect tool

Example of using the intersection tool

Example of output from intersect tool

Red line is the output of the intersection; a section of river

intersecting a woodland polygon


Run the Summary statistics tool to create a table that sums up the intersection length by polyline ID.

Summary statistics tool


Join the summed length to the network using the Join Field tool.

Join Field


Run the RivEX tool Accumulate network attribute to accumulate the joined field. In the example below the output table "AccShading" will be joined backed to the river network. You now have all the data encoded into the network for further analysis and mapping.

Accumulate attribute tool


In the sample images below we show the accumulated upstream length of shading alongside the proportion of upstream length that is shaded.

Total shaded

Proportion shaded


In this example we have looked at length of channel shaded, but the attribute of interest could be anything that makes sense when accumulated in a downstream direction!

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