Add attribution

You have quality controlled your river network and extracted the topology, you are now ready to attribute the river network.  These tools can only work correctly if your network is free of error and complies to the input specifications.

All the attribute tools are very easy to run, simply go to RivEX Toolbox > Attribute River Network > choose your tool. Typically you need only select the river network which you would have normally loaded into the active map and click Run.

Some tools rely on specific attribution to exist already. Each tool will warn you if the river network is missing the require attribution (it is also documented on the tool's help page).  You just need to run the tools in sequence. A few tools may generate an error log table, refer to the tool's help page.

Most tools are quick to run and report progress in the message dialog. Consider having the message dialog open automatically, it will aid in your understanding of what the tool is doing.

WarningYou should only attempt to attribute your network after you have run all quality control tools, corrected any errors and extracted the latest version of the topology.  Don't fall into the trap of rushing ahead and attributing the network without the quality controls run as you will likely generate incorrect values.

IdeaIf you need to run several attribution tools on different networks, why not build a model and string them together?