This page lists the error codes that RivEX generates, along with a description and solution.

Quick link > 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-90, 91-100

Error Code

Error message Cross - bad

Description\Solution Tick - good


RivEX is not licensed to this machine, all tools are disabled. You have full functionality of RivEX for the demonstration layer AlaskanNHDSample.

You are running RivEX in demonstration mode, to unlock RivEX you need to purchase it and obtain a license code using this tool then enter the code into the Purchase page on the RivEX website.


RivEX failed to connect to the layer's RivEX workspace folder, have you run your network through the Create a RivEX workspace tool, in the Prepare Network Toolset?

RivEX failed to find the RivEX workspace folder, you need to create this as the first step to preparing a river network.


RivEX failed to read the required topological dictionaries back into memory, aborting!

RivEX was unable to read the topological cache files stored in ..RivEX_Workspace\TopoCache. Have you deleted\renamed\moved them? A quick solution is to re-run the Extract network topology tool.


RivEX failed to get polyline ID field from settings file, have you run your network through the Extract Network Topology and write to Workspace tool yet?

The Extract Network Topology tool creates a unique polyline ID field along with from- and to- node ID fields.  If your data came with a unique ID field, this is ignored as RivEX needs to control specific field attribution. Therefore the second step you must always do after creating a workspace is to extract topology.


River network failed specific layer control checks, review comments above, tool aborting processing!

As a first step to every tool, RivEX checks for a variety of potential problems, some are considered as fatal errors, others are warnings.  You will need to resolve fatal errors to continue.

Fatal errors are:

    • Layer has a join - Remove this
    • Layer has a definition query - Clear this
    • The geometry field is not called shape - Export to resolve
    • Some of your fields are hidden - Make visible

Warning are:

    • You have more than 255 fields in your dataset - Reduce
    • Network is missing a spatial index - Spatial queries will be slow
    • Network has over 1 million polylines - A large dataset
    • Network is compressed - You will need to uncompress data


RivEX failed to turn input layer/path into a layer object

Your river network will typically be a layer in a map that you choose but it could be it's Feature Class in a GeoDatabase. RivEX failed to convert it into a layer, did you have spaces/unusual characters in the input?


RivEX failed to create an output field name, aborting!

Attribution tools need to add a new field to your network and part of that process is to build a field name. If a field with the name already exists it attempts to append _x to the end, where x is a number.  If this process fails this error occurs.


RivEX failed to update settings file, aborting!

This is an error that occurs when RivEX is unable to update the settings file, may be you have it unintentionally file locked by another application?


RivEX failed to create Error Log File GeoDatabase, aborting!

An error occurred during processing which needs to be written to the error log table. If this is the first occurrence then RivEX needs to create the Error Log GeoDatabase. This error occurs if it failed to create the GeoDatabase. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the Error Log Table, aborting!

An error occurred during processing which needs to be written to the error log table. The Geodatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Error Log table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


Your RivEX settings file does not match current version of RivEX, see help file for advice, aborting!

The settings file does not match the latest version. This simply means your river network was processed with an older version of RivEX.  Future releases of RivEX might extend the settings file so this error is trapping a version change. 

The simplest solution is to run the Update settings file to latest version. After running this tool the new toolbox will work with your river network.

Alternatively you could re-run the Create a RivEX workspace which will build a new workspace and new settings file but RivEX will "forget" any fields it has added to the network along with any output datasets created. 

CAUTION - Overwriting the workspace, destroys the topology cache and any outputs you have created; consider copying these to a new location BEFORE you recreate a workspace.


The ID field for your input point\polygon layer does not contain unique values, you need to correct that!

The ID field for your site data has been checked and found not to contain unique values. Have you selected the correct field? You can create a unique number sequence with the field calculate tool, python has helper functions to achieve this.


RivEX failed to create Sites File GeoDatabase in output folder, aborting!

RivEX failed to create the Sites File GeoDatabase. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the Source Table, aborting!

The Sites File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Source table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to write data to the Source Table, aborting!

An error occurred whilst RivEX was writing to the Source Table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the Route Feature Class, aborting!

The Sites File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Route Feature Class. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the snapped sites Feature Class, aborting!

The Sites File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the snapped sites Feature Class. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to remove vertex from polyline, aborting!

The remove self-intersection tool returned an error whilst trying to remove a vertex to remove the self-intersection. Is geometry multi-part?


RivEX failed to sort sites into catchments, aborting!

The tool is sorting sites into a dictionary by catchment ID but this processing step has failed, review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


None of the sites intersected the river network! You need to snap these sites.

RivEX failed to return any sites because all sites are not intersecting the river network. Have you snapped sites? Sites must be in the same coordinate system as the river network.


RivEX failed to write data to the Find Downstream Sites Table, aborting!

Results were not written to the output table, was output table file locked?


RivEX failed to read settings file and extract fields, aborting!

Field names recorded in settings file were not read. Was setting file edited/renamed/deleted/file locked?


RivEX failed to read fields from network in to list, aborting!

A list of field objects were not returned by function, review returned error message.


RivEX failed to build results dictionary, aborting!

Transfer metrics tool failed to return results of sites intersecting network, review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to write main channel to network, aborting!

Failed to update main channel field, review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to export main channel to a new dataset, aborting!

RivEX dissolves the polylines that make up the main channel into single polylines for each catchment ID. This process failed, review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


Site layer contains invalid values (<=0) in distance field, aborting!

You are building reaches using distances taken from a field in the site data.  All values must be greater than zero and not null. Go back to your site data search for zero or less and null values and correct.


RivEX failed to create the Reach Feature Class, aborting!

RivEX is unable to create the Feature Class that will store the reach polylines. Is the sites file geodatabase file locked \ moved \ deleted \ renamed?


RivEX failed to create the Reach Nodes Feature Class, aborting!

RivEX is unable to create the Feature Class that will store the reach nodes. Is the sites file geodatabase file locked \ moved \ deleted \ renamed?


A topological error in the river network was encountered, you need to fix this before using this tool, aborting!

Not implemented


RivEX encountered intersecting river polylines whilst attempting to build the reach, aborting!

The reach polyline built is multi-part and this can only occur if the river network is intersecting itself. Use this quality control tool to help you find and remove these errors.

If your data has ZM values encoded into the network this can cause the shapely module to error, you will have to create a copy of your network free of Z and M values.


RivEX failed to strip ZM values from geometry, aborting!

RivEX failed to remove any ZM values inherited from network geometry. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to write output data to Nearby Network Feature Class, aborting!

RivEX railed to write the nearby networks to the Feature Class. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to write output data to Nearby Network Buffer Feature Class, aborting!

RivEX railed to write the nearby networks to the Feature Class. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to transfer buffer distances to Nearby Network Feature Class, aborting!

You had requested a buffer to be built for each nearby network but the process of transferring the distance to the nearby network failed. Is nearby network dataset file locked?


RivEX failed to transfer the desired distances to Nearby Network Feature Class, aborting!

The desired distance for computing the nearby network failed to be written to the nearby network. Is nearby network dataset file locked?


RivEX failed to create a dictionary, CreateGridDictionary() or CreatePolygonDictionary() returned an empty dictionary, could be issue with network registering a selection of nothing? Aborting!

Building these dictionaries returned empty dictionaries, you likely have a selection of nothing, clear selection on network before using this tool.


RivEX failed to add Count and SumNetLength fields to sampling polygon layer, is it file locked? Aborting!

You requested information to be written to the input polygon layer, but RivEX was unable to add the fields to the dataset. Is it file locked?


Input layer(s) have a table join, you need to remove this or make join permanent, aborting!

Your site\polygon\river layer has a table join. RivEX will not process such data. Remove the table join.


Your search distance failed to select any part of the river network, aborting!

The search distance you have provided for the sites selects none of the network. Provide a distance (in metres) that will.


RivEX failed to create site to polyline lookup dictionary, aborting!

The function that creates a site to polyline look up dictionary failed. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to create Network File GeoDatabase in output folder, aborting!

RivEX failed to create the Network File GeoDatabase. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the subnetwork Feature Class, aborting!

The Network File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Sub network Class. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the Subnetwork statistics Table, aborting!

The Network File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Sub network statistics table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the Subnetwork site statistics Table, aborting!

The Network File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Sub network site statistics table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the Positional Info Table, aborting!

The Sites File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Positional Info table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the Find Downstream sites Table, aborting!

The Sites File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Downstream sites table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the Find Upstream sites Table, aborting!

The Sites File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Upstream sites table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to write data to the Find Upstream Sites Table, aborting!

Failed to write the results of the find upstream sites searching. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to write network metrics to site layer, aborting!

Failed to write the results of the transfer network metrics processing. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to create Node File GeoDatabase, aborting!

RivEX failed to create the Node File GeoDatabase. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to create the output node layer, aborting!

The Node File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the node Feature Class. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to write Hack Order to river network, aborting!

Hack order was computed but RivEX failed to write this back to the network, was network file/edit locked?


RivEX failed to write Loop ID to river network, aborting!

Loop ID was computed but RivEX failed to write this back to the network, was network file/edit locked?


RivEX failed to write Strahler Order to river network, aborting!

Strahler order was computed but RivEX failed to write this back to the network, was network file/edit locked?


RivEX has identified loops/braiding within the network. Only single threaded networks are valid for this tool. For a possible way to simplify your network please refer to the RivEX help file of this tool.

The tool you are using works only with single threaded networks. Your network has loops and therefore incompatible with this tool. You can use Loop ID or nodes extracted by RivEX that are of type B or D to identify loops and edit them out.


RivEX failed to identify starting locations of subnetworks, aborting!

Function that locates the downstream ends of subnetworks failed. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to create temporary in-memory site layer, aborting!

The temporary in-memory site layer failed to be created. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX checked the output point layer and found stacked points. These are created by the topological issue of overlapping polylines in your network, you need to remove these, see RivEX help file. The output point layer with stacked points can be found in the RivEX output geodatabase fGDB_Sampling.gdb 

A final quality control check in the sampling tools is to check if any points are stacked on top of each other. This occurs if you have overlapping polylines in your network, these can be identified using a variety of quality control tools.


RivEX failed to create temporary in-memory node layer, aborting!

The identify connected overlapping polylines quality control tool needs to create separate layers for from- and to- nodes and this processing step failed. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to purge rtd files from TopoCache folder, cannot continue with Topology extraction, aborting!

The PurgeTopoCacheFolder() function failed to delete all the RivEX topology files, these are the files ending with an .rtd file extension and can be found in the TopoCache folder within the RivEX workspace. Were they file locked by another application or had been set to read only?


RivEX failed to code subnetwork in upstream direction, aborting!

SearchUpstream() function failed to encode subnetwork. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to cut up network by sites, aborting!

The process of cutting up your input network by sites failed. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to add new node ID's to cut network, aborting!

RivEX failed to add new node fields and populate with ID's for your new cut network. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to write sub network ID's to cut network, aborting!

RivEX failed to write the computed Sub Net ID's to the cut network.  Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to write sub network lengths to output table, aborting!

RivEX failed to write the sub network statistics to the output table. May be a file locking issue?


RivEX failed to write sub network lengths to site output table, aborting!

RivEX failed to write the sub network sites statistics to the output table.  Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to create temporary layer of mouth points, aborting!

RivEX failed to create a temporary in-memory dataset of mouth points which would have been used in the coding of sub net ID's.  Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to select mouth polylines in cut network and return set object, aborting!

Starting polylines from cut network were failed to be identified.  Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to create routes to nearest upstream site, aborting!

The function that builds the polyline routes to nearest upstream site failed.  Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


Cannot delete fields as your Feature Class in compressed, you need to run the Uncompress File Geodatabase Data tool on your network first

You have chosen to delete fields during the extract network topology processing step. Your input layer is a compressed Feature Class and such data cannot have fields deleted. you need to uncompress the File Geodatabase.


Failed to check RivEX fields, aborting!

The function that checks if the fields recorded in the settings file are actually in the river network layer failed.   Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


Failed to check RivEX outputs, aborting!

The function that checks if the outputs recorded in the settings file actually exist failed.   Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


Failed to update settings file to remove references to deleted fields, aborting!

You have chosen to delete fields during the extract network topology processing step. The fields were deleted but RivEX failed to remove the references to them from the settings file. Was settings file, file locked?


RivEX failed to combine geometries into a multipart feature, aborting!

RivEX failed to create a multipart geometry from the polylines it built from the network. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to create lake edge points, aborting!

RivEX failed to create a list of lake edge points from intersecting the lake with the river network. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


None of the lake polygons intersected the river network, aborting!

None of the polygons (with or without a selection) intersected the river network.  You need to review your lake data.


RivEX failed to filter lake edge points, aborting!

After RivEX has extracted lake edge points it needs to filter them to the user specified type. The filtering process failed. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to write lake edge points to output feature class, aborting!

RivEX has extracted lake edge points, filtered them down but failed during the write to output feature class. Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


Linear Unit Name returned an empty string, unable to determine conversion factor, aborting!

RivEX needs to determine if your input network is in metres (preferred option) or in another unit such as feet. If it is in feet it needs to convert the length supplied by you in metres into feet. To do that it queries the spatial reference of your layer but it failed to return a valid string. Ensure your network has been projected into metres and has projection information (for example this could be the case of a corrupted or missing .prj file with your shapefile).


Unable to acquire schema lock, do you have another application/script running that is referencing the dataset?  Aborting!

RivEX is attempting to change the schema of a dataset (i.e. add a field) but failed as there is a schema lock on the dataset. Close other applications accessing the data. The schema lock might becoming from ArcPro itself and in this case you will have to save your project, close ArcPro and reopen.


RivEX failed to check for conflicting field names in site layer, Aborting!

RivEX checks if the site layer contains fields with the same name as the attribution fields created by RivEX for the river network.  In ArcPro 3.2.1 there is a bug in the the field mapping that ESRI have introduced which causes the field mapping join to use the site field instead on the field coming from the river  network. The solution is to remove or rename the field in the site layer before using the tool.


RivEX failed to create the Subnetwork's catchment proportion statistics Table, aborting!

The Network File GeoDatabase exists but RivEX failed to create the Sub network catchment proportion statistics table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to write subnetwork catchment proportions to output table, aborting!

RivEX failed to write the subnetwork catchment proportions to the output table.  Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


RivEX failed to identify source ID's, aborting!

RivEX failed to traverse the network whilst attempting to attribute it with Source ID. This is most likely to be a topological error. Review returned error message as it should have returned the last polyline ID popped off a data structure called a stack and the error is most likely in that part of the network.


RivEX failed to write data to the Positional table, aborting!

An error occurred whilst RivEX was writing to the Positional information table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to write data to the Accumulation table, aborting!

An error occurred whilst RivEX was writing to the Accumulation table. Could be a permissions settings issue? 


RivEX failed to accumulate values as function OptimisedAccumulateAttribute returned False, aborting!

The function OptimisedAccumulateAttribute() returned False which indicates the function failed and the error was trapped. Review previous error message as that is the source of the problem. Are the topology caches up to date?


RivEX failed to read topology dictionaries into graph, aborting!

RivEX failed to convert its topological dictionaries into a binary tree. Review previous error message as that is the source of the problem. Are the topology caches up to date?


RivEX failed to build a route from the results of a dijkstra shortest path search.

RivEX failed to create the polyline linking the two sites. This could be due to a multi-part geometry being formed (would indicate presence of a self-intersecting line) or the process of trimming the merged geometry back to the two sites. Use RivEX to quality control network to locate potential errors.


RivEX failed to write link route to output FeatureClass, aborting!

RivEX failed to write the the polyline links to the output Feature Class.  Review returned error message as it could be for multiple reasons.


Unable to build Virtual Line dictionary from network, aborting!

RivEX failed to construct the virtual line that the network is sampled with. Review previous error message as that is the source of the problem

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