Check settings file integrity
Summary :: Usage :: Parameters :: Outputs :: Warnings :: Limitations
This tool examines the RivEX settings file for the current river network. It verifies if the fields recorded in the settings file exist in the layer as well as checking if any of the outputs exist. This tool provides a quick way of identifying if the settings file is out of sync with the river network.
It is possible for the RivEX settings file to become out of sync with the network and generated datasets if you are independently editing the network or generated datasets. It's not unusual to run a tool multiple times when attempting to remove errors from the network. This will generate multiple fields all with similar names. You might reasonably decide to delete redundant fields, but it is very easy to delete the latest field. May be another user used the dataset and renamed a field? You might have deleted output datasets that you considered redundant.
All these actions are outside the control of RivEX and will lead to the settings file pointing to non-existent fields or datasets.
This tool searches the settings file for non-blank entries and it attempts to find the field in the river layer or datasets logged as being generated by a RivEX tool. Any missing are reported in the dialog.
The tool will also check if the number of synonyms is non-zero and the number of quality control checks that your network has yet to pass. These are not considered as integrity breaking but a useful reminder of tasks to be done.
An optional task that can be turned on\off is to remove any invalid entries by allowing RivEX to reset the entry to its default blank value. It is recommend that you keep this turned on to allow RivEX to fix any consistencies.
Name |
Help |
Data type |
River Network |
The river network you wish to test the integrity of its RivEX settings file. For a settings file to exist you must have run the network through the Extract Network Topology and write to Workspace tool. |
Feature Layer |
Remove invalid entries |
Invalid entries can be cleared from the settings file if this is ticked on.
Boolean |
The output of this tool is a boolean, TRUE if errors were found or FALSE if no errors were found. This tool will still return TRUE if you had ticked on remove invalid entries as the output is indicating there were errors in the input settings file even though removing invalid entries corrects this.
This tool runs very fast so to understand any logging it has created it is recommended you turn on messaging.
With the release of ArcGIS Pro 3.2.1 a switch control appears on parameters that accept tables\feature classes, do not interact with it! More advice here.
- This tool is not meant to be run in a scripting environment, it is for you to check the settings file integrity and resolve errors. Run this tool from toolbox in an active ArcPro session.