How to explode multi-part polylines
For the network algorithms to process correctly all polylines must be single part polylines. Multi-part polylines are often generated during editing, especially if the original data capture had a purpose other than a topologically connected network.
You can "explode" multi-part polylines into single parts manually or by using a Geo-processing tool.
Exploding the multi-part polyline into it's individual parts will result in the attributes of the original polyline being passed into all subsequent parts. Whilst this is useful when the attribute is common to all parts (e.g. river name); node ID numbers would be incorrect. Exploding a multi-part polyline is altering the topology of the network, you must re-run your network through the Extract Network Topology and write to Workspace tool to rebuild and correctly attribute the node and polyline fields in your river network.
Exploding Multi-part features manually
You can manually deal with a multi-part in one of two ways:
- Manipulating the individual parts and vertices through the edit vertices panel.
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- Use the Explode tool to separate out the parts into separate polylines then deal with any disconnections.
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Exploding Multi-part features using the Geo-processing tool
You can run your entire dataset or a selection through the Multipart to Singlepart Geo-processing tool. It will search for multi-part shapes and explode them into individual parts. You must check the orientation of the newly created polylines to ensure they are flowing in a downstream direction. If you find a polyline created from a multi-part to be flowing in an upstream direction then you can edit it and flip its direction. You will have to deal any disconnections created by the multipart becoming single parts. The Multipart to singlepart tool is found in the Data management tool box > Features tool set.