You have:

    1. Cloned your python environment.
    2. Installed shapely.
    3. Downloaded and unzipped RivEX to C:\.
    4. Ran the license tool to create the license code and entered this into the purchase page.
    5. Received a license file from RivEX (usually within 24 hours) and stored this in the C:\RivEX_ArcPro\License folder.

What are the next steps?

    1. Read the page on what the RivEX workspace is.
    2. Make life easier by adding the RivEX toolbox to your project.
    3. Read steps 1 to 4 in preparing a river network for processing in RivEX, this guides you through the sequence of tools you need to use.

Looking for inspiration? 

    1. Check out the worked examples which guide you through possible workflows that you might want to do.
    2. Resource section lists relevant papers, glossary of terms used by RivEX and links to datasets.
    3. Always check the outputs of any automation, given a poorly connected network RivEX would return plausible but totally wrong values! This is why you should run your network through all quality control tools.

Got a problem?

    1. Trouble shooting lists various problems and provides advice on RivEX error codes.
    2. The How to pages provide advice on editing tasks and techniques to stream line your experience.