System requirements
The system requirements of RivEX are:
- RivEX is designed to run on ArcPro 3.4 or higher, it will not run on ArcPro 3.3 or earlier!
- RivEX requires you to have installed the free python module shapely 2.0.4, it will not run with earlier versions of shapely! Installation instructions are found on this page.
- You must be able to write to your C:\ drive.
- RivEX was developed on a Windows Microsoft 10 Operating System with English localisation. Please be aware the Author cannot provide comprehensive support for earlier versions of Windows as he does not own a copy of those operating systems. The Author will endeavour to provide support for all platforms but will be unable to replicate issues specific to these platforms so support may be limited.
- RivEX does not require any expensive extensions to run. It will run on a "Basic" license.
- RivEX will process data which is in the format of Shapefile or a File Geodatabase FeatureClass. It is strongly recommended you do not use Shapefiles. Polyline, PolylineM and PolylineZ data are all supported.
- RivEX is not designed to work with data in GeoPackage\ArcServer\ArcSDE\ArcGIS Online. If your data is in this format you will need to export it to a File GeoDatabase.