RivEX Settings file
The RivEX settings file is a XML file that sits in the RivEX_Workspace folder. It maintains a record of field names, outputs and any settings. Maintaining this information means the tool interfaces are much simpler to use as it is RivEX that is reading the field names from the settings file to complete the tool. It also allows RivEX to ensure that to run a tool the mandatory fields are in fact in place ready to use. The settings file must not be altered otherwise RivEX will not be able to re-establish links back to the dataset. As you run various RivEX tools the Settings file is updated. You can view a settings file in your favourite text editor or Internet browser.
An example is shown below with 4 sections highlighted in green boxes to draw your attention:
- The first two highlighted sections are names of field that RivEX has added to the river network, we see that only the polyline ID , F-node, T-node and Shreve order fields have been created so far.
- The third section highlights that this network has only been run through and passed quality control checks Multi-part and is Null. This network needs to be run through the other quality control checks for you to have confidence that RivEX is generating correct values.
- The fourth section highlighted is showing the full path to the source node layer extracted from the network.
If, for example, you run RivEX to extract out sources when sources have been already extracted, then the output name logged in the settings file is overwritten, thus RivEX is always pointing to the latest version. Past versions persist in the File GeoDatabase they were created in, so they are not lost, unless you purge the Workspace folder.
If you edit the network outside RivEX (e.g. change a field name) then the settings file becomes out of sync and RivEX will fail to process the network. In this case, advanced users can attempt to edit the settings file in a text editor to change the field name or re-run the specific tool (recommended).