Many tools in RivEX will generate an error log table when errors are found and if you have ticked on the optional parameter Build a Relate for Error Log then RivEX builds the relate between the error log table and source data.

A Relate is the term used when one table is related to another table based upon an ID field. You can think of it as a sort of virtual link between tables. Do not make the mistake of thinking it is a join; that is when the fields of one table are appended to the end of another table.

A primary reason for relating tables is to pass selections from one table to another.  In RivEX a row in the error log table links back to the geometry that had the error. For example, a polyline is self-intersecting or an input point is not snapped to the river network.

You may potentially have hundreds of errors and using the power of a relate will help you stream line your editing by allowing you to select and zoom to the geometry with a problem.

  1. Ensure you have ticked on Build a Relate for Error log under the optional section within the tool.  If you forget to do this you can run the Add Relate tool manually after the error log table has been added to the map.

Build a relate

  1. An error log table is only created if errors exist. If a table is added to the map, right click on it and choose Open. In the example below this error log table was created by the link sites tool, it is clear that a single point, #6, failed to link as it was not intersecting the river network.

Error log table

  1. Select a row, you do this by clicking in the far left row ID column. A selected row will turn light blue.

Selected row

  1. Under the Standalone Table tab, in the relationship group, click on the Related Data button and select the relationship. Each relationship will inherit the source data table name. You could potentially have several tables relating back to a source layer. In this example it was the point dataset for Salmon Redd locations.

Run the relate

  1. The selection is passed from the error log table through to the source layer based upon the site ID, in this example #6. The attribute table for the source layer automatically opens with the selection promoted, you then need only click on Zoom To button to jump to the geometry for you to investigate and correct.

The related feature selected

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